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Yes i work in a Renault parts department!!
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Author:  SAFRANEV6RXE [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Yes i work in a Renault parts department!!

I,am not sure if i,ve ever actually said this,but because i do i can look up,sell you and send any genuine Renault Safrane parts.
There are a few snags.....
Renault seem to have very little stock left in the U.K
Alot of Safrane parts are actually NLA
BUT what i can do is look up a part that you require,check the price,see if its still availiable in the U.K or France,or at worse not at all.
If you want something i can look it up,sell it to you,box it up and i even deliver it to our couriers myself in some cases.
I have no problem doing this for Forum members all i need is reg and exactly what you want,i deal with it from start to finish,no-one else gets involved so only me to blame!!!
Post on here what you need and i can let you know.

Author:  Saffles [ Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes i work in a Renault parts department!!

A note to members:

Our new friend Mappy is also a Renault parts man who has offered to assist safrane owners with any parts requests at a discount.

Author:  Powerhouse [ Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes i work in a Renault parts department!!

Please help me , since you work in Renault do I change my safrane voice to English?

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