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Alternative trim restoration
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Author:  Saffles [ Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Alternative trim restoration

Hey gang

Well I got a bit fed up with the safranes front bumper looking utterly battered and decided it needed a good sorting out.

So.. here are the materials I used (all obtained from Halfords):

Image Image Image

1) Primer (ok actually anti-rust primer - it was all I had available but at least the plastic won't rust ;) )
2) Satin black matt spray paint (seems to match the door trims well)
3) Sandpaper (I used the finest grade in it but this is not as fine as the pro's use)
4) Finally, old newspaper.

Unfortunately I didn't take photos of the process at the time but I did take photos of it after and next to another spare bumper I have - I'll hope you agree it looks better than it did!

Before and after:


Its looked worse than this before:


Finished result against the spare bumper that was just as faded:


Although it was more work removing the bumper and the silver strips, I hope that this will be a better long term fix than the bottled chemical restoration products. So far it's held up against the rain but time will tell!

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